The Normalization Services

All-round services that cover all aspects of your life.

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Your personalized Team

Our services are all client-oriented, which means that we will have a specialist team dedicated to you based on the services you require. We want to make sure that all services you get are personalized and unique.

On Site or At home

We do have offices around the world, so that you can always come and visit us. If you don’t feel like coming, our team can also meet you at your home, or online. No matter which way, we promise you the consistent quality of our service.

Lifetime Service

No matter if you are still in our program or not, we provide lifetime service for the ones that you chose when you were enrolled in our program. We are always here for you!

Professional Specialists

> 85%

of our specialists are from the top-4 consulting forms / tech giants in the world.

> 55%

of our specialists had experience in being the leader in a case.


professional specialists will form a team, just for you.

Explore our services

We have all kinds of services that target to different aspects of your life. We have different specialists from various backgrounds to support you.

Being single for so long that people start to question your sexual orientation? Try our Fake Love service! “Date” someone effortlessly without sacrificing your lifestyle.

Step01 - Partner Search

There are tens of thousands of files in our data base, all verified. Our specialists will find the best fit for you based on your requirement.

Step02 - Trail Living

After matching a “marriage partner”, the Normalization Program will arrange a 1-month trail living. The members can decide whether to confirm the partner or keep looking.

Step03 - Marriage Preparation

Our team also have professional teams to take care of the wedding preparation. We will do our best to save as much money and time for you as possible.

Interested in one of the services,
but don't know how to start?

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